
This sub page has been set up as an information area to support pupils and parents in a time of loss and bereavement.


Lifeline counsellors are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to listen and help, in confidence.

Lifeline counsellors are experienced in working with trauma, suicide, self-harm, abuse, depression and anxiety. You will receive immediate help on the phone. Should you need further support we can provide a face-to-face counselling appointment in your local area within seven days.

Lifeline also provides support and guidance to families and carers, concerned friends, professionals, teachers, youth workers, clergy and communities. Remember, Lifeline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Just call.



The attached leaflets have been produced by the Education Authority. They can be printed from here or please contact the school if you wish to avail of further information or seek support.



In School Supports 

We are delighted to offer the following support services for our pupils in school. 

Reflexology (places are limited and are part funded at present)

Play Therapy (places are limited and are part funded at present) 

Lego Therapy 

Relax Kids (offered to all classes in rotation)

If you would like more information or to refer your child for any of these services, please contact Miss Gormley,



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