Primary 4 & 5, Miss Naan

We had a class full of 'little leprechauns' in P4/5 today for our St. Patrick's Day assembly!!


Happy St. Patrick's Day from P4/5 who were grinning in green today!


Celebrating Pancake Tuesday in P4/5 with some delicious pancakes made by our very kind P7 children! We had lots of smiles in class today!

Happy Christmas from P4/5!!! We enjoyed our Christmas jumper day! 


Enjoying our Santa Daily Mile on Christmas jumper day!


A Christmas Visit to Mary, Queen of Peace Church

During our last week of school before Christmas, we took a walk over to visit the church to see the Nativity scene and Advent Wreath which we have been learning about in Grow in Love. Children said a prayer for people we love and miss, as well as exploring different areas of the church. Some children even asked to add prayers to the St. Joseph petition box. 



Hot Chocolate went down a treat at our Christmas party!


Making Bird Feeders

Our topic in November and December has been 'Wildlife Wonders'. We have been exploring animals which can be found in our surrounding area this time of year, including hedgehogs, squirrels, foxes and robins. After exploring the traditional tale of the Robin Red Breast, children created their own bird feeders to hang in our playground.


We had lots of fun making chocolate Christmas trees!


Our Beautiful Wooden Christmas Trees!


Posting our Santa Letters

There was lots of excitement in P4/5 as we walked down to the postbox to post our letters to Santa. Santa is going to be very busy in Garrison this year!


The Grinch!

Children have been reading the story 'The Grinch Who Stole Christmas' coming up to Christmas. Here are some photographs of the children during a group Literacy task. The children wrote some beautiful descriptions of the Grinch to share with the class.


P4/5 Viking Trip

The P4/5 class enjoyed a visit to Enniskillen Castle Museum in November. We have finished our first topic this year 'The Vikings' and during this trip, children enjoyed exploring a Viking longhouse, digging for Viking artefacts and making Viking brooches. Some of our boys and girls even became Viking men and women, wearing shawls, shields and helmets. The children had an amazing day and dazzled us with all their Viking knowledge! 

Happy Halloween in P4/5

Happy Halloween from the boys and girls in P4/5! We had some wonderful witches, zombie footballers, scary skeletons and many more creatures visit our classroom today for Halloween fancy dress. We enjoyed a costume parade with the whole school in the assembly hall and had some lovely sweet treats at our class party.

We enjoyed learning a 'Bubble Bubble Toil and Trouble' Halloween chant in Music this week. We added our own sounds and actions to the chant. The children came up with some brilliant ideas! This is us practicing our chant in class.


Creating our own Viking longships

Our topic this half-term has been 'Victorious Vikings.' During World Around Us lessons centred on Science children have been exploring waterproof materials, sinking and floating. The children worked in groups this week to choose materials to recreate a Viking longship. We then tested our ships in water to check if they would stay afloat and further tested to see if they could hold weight on water. The boys and girls did a fantastic job!


Activity-based learning

Here are some of our most recent activity-based learning challenges in P4/5. We have been using 2D shapes to create shape images and Beebots to draw 2D shapes. We also sequenced images to create our own creative recount in pairs and enjoyed making 2D shapes and patterns using pegboards.



Exploring Timbre

In Music, we have been learning about 'timbre' and have explored the different sounds we can make using our voices, bodies and percussion instruments. We have been using language such as 'loud, quiet, soft, hard,' as well as adjectives to describe the sounds we make and here. In this lesson, children were developing their ability to listen to and distinguish between different instrument sounds. To challenge each other, children tried to play the instrument in a different way each time. E.g. scratching, rubbing or tapping a drum. Children tried to guess and name the instrument they heard.



Fun in Numeracy

This half term, we have been exploring place value in Numeracy. Here are some photographs of P4/5 pupils practicing how to use greater and less than symbols on their whiteboards. Children also completed an outdoor scavenger hunt in small groups. The challenge was to read clues about mystery numbers, find the matching number outdoors and record it on their clue sheet. E.g. Can you find a 4-digit number with two tens and three hundreds?




Making Roman Biscuits

Today the children worked in small groups to bake their own Roman biscuits. We have been exploring food and life in ancient Roman times and the children enjoyed baking and tasting their own biscuits. We then celebrated the last week of school with a tea party and tasted our creations.


Our Amazing Volcanoes

Our topic this term has been 'The Romans.' This week we have been exploring the lost city of Pompeii and the impact of Vesuvius. During Art and World Around Us lessons we created our own Papier-mâché volcanoes in pairs. We used vinegar and baking soda to 'erupt' our volcanoes. We loved watching the results!



Exploring Compass Directions

We have enjoyed exploring compass directions outdoors in Numeracy this week. Children have been exploring the eight points on a compass and how to make quarter, half and whole turns. We worked in pairs to draw our own compasses using chalk in the playground and practiced turning our bodies in clockwise and anti-clockwise movements. Fantastic work everyone!



St. Patrick's Day 2024

 We were grinning in green today to celebrate St. Patrick's Day in P3/4! Children wore green to school  and enjoyed making beautiful spiral rainbows during art.

The children dazzled us with their amazing gifts and talents during a whole school assembly. We listened to other pupils reading their Feis poems, playing instruments, reciting poems and singing St. Patrick's Day songs.

The boys and girls in P3/4 sang a special St. Patrick's Day version of our morning song 'Rise and Shine' with lovely actions they created themselves.




World Book Day 2024

 We celebrated World Book Day in P3/4 by wearing our fantastic book character costumes to school! We enjoyed a costume parade at assembly with the whole school and brought in our own book character toilet roll holders to show our friends.

We finished our celebrations with a scavenger hunt outdoors where we worked in small groups to find clues and solve riddles about 'mystery' books. You can spot us hunting for clues in the picture below!






Celebrating Odd Sock Day 2024



Posting our Santa Letters

 We had a very exciting day in P3/4 as we walked down to the postbox to post our letters to Santa!


Halloween 2023

We had some very scary visitors in the P3/4 classroom today as everyone arrived in their spooky Halloween costumes! We enjoyed a costume parade with the whole school in the hall this morning. We had lots of sweet treats at our Halloween party and ended the day with musical statutes. Happy Halloween from P3/4!!


Fun in Numeracy

 In Numeracy, we have been learning about how to use a tally to collect data and record it in a bar chart. Today, children counted the different colours of smarties they received and recorded their data. The best part was eating our smarties afterwards!!



Creating Medieval Catapults

Our topic this term is 'Dungeons and Dragons.' We have been learning about Medieval castles this week and for this activity, children worked in pairs to create their own Medieval catapults using lollipop sticks, elastic bands and milk lids. We then tested our catapults to see how far they could make a pompom fly across the playground. Everyone enjoyed this experiment!



Tasting Dragon Fruit

 In the novel we have been reading, 'The Boy who Grew Dragons,' a little boy discovers that dragons have hatched from his dragon fruits! In World Around Us we tasted dragon fruit and used our five senses to describe what it looked, smelled, sounded, tasted and felt like. We had some fans and some harsh critics!